Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Restore or Reset the Deleted/Modified Out of Box Ribbon Buttons in Dynamics 365 Classic/UCI

At sometimes we may accidentally delete or customize commands or customize the OOB button, once done, the changes will be there as is and there is no direct way to revert back using RibbonWorkBench.

1.Deleted OOB ribbon buttons on custom or system entities(New,Delete or any)
2.Customized the out of box button command
3.Customized the button

Solution: 1

1. Create Solution "Recover Buttons" any instance of your organization which is unmodified
2. Add the entity with metadata only - don't add any components like form, views or fields etc. (uncheck "Add All Asset" for custom entites) which you wanted recover eg.Fax
3. Export the solution as "Unmanaged"
4.Import on the instance needs to be recovered.

If Solution 1 doesn't fix it then try the Solution 2

Solution: 2

1. Create Solution "Backup Custom Buttons" on instance of your organization which is affected
2. Add the entity with metadata only - don't add any components like form, views or fields etc. (uncheck "Add All Asset" for custom entites) which you wanted recover eg.Fax
3. Export the solution as "Unmanaged"
4. Unzip the solution
5.Add the below RibbonDiffXml inside the entity xml tag of the Customization.xml file & save
        <CustomActions />
          <RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates"></RibbonTemplates>
        <CommandDefinitions />
          <TabDisplayRules />
          <DisplayRules />
          <EnableRules />
        <LocLabels />

6. Zip the solution  & customization xml with name "Recover OOB Buttons"
7. Import into the Target instance.

NOTE: This import will overired all the custom buttons, if you have custom buttons on that solution, import the  Solution "Backup Custom Buttons"
                                    Dashboard Buttons on New UCI

Dashboard buttons not Visible on new UCI


If your custom buttons not appearing on the Dashboard of the new UCI, then please follow the below link to bring back your button on the UCI.


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