Saturday, 23 December 2017

Custom Approval Process in Dynamics 365 v9 using Java Script

 NOTE: This will work only in V9 and not applicable for earlier version (8.x and below)

With the new JS method Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog & Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog given in the XRM object of the dynamics 365 v9, we can customize for approval process without third party library like Alert.JS
For Example, If you want to send an Quote for Approval process and get the outcome(approved/Rejected), then follow the below steps.

1.Create a two buttons 1.Request Approval 2. Approve and an OptionSet (new_ApprovalStatus)with values (1. Approval Requested 2. Approved 3. Rejected).

2.By Setting Display rule, Show “Approve” button upon change of OptionSetValue to “Approval Requested”

3.Upon click on the “Request Approval” button Set the Value to “Approval Requested” using below code

function RequestApproval () {


    Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({text:"Quote Sent for Approval"});


4.Use the below code for Approval Button.

function ApproveQuote() {


        var ConfirmString = {
            text: "Are you sure want to Approve?",
            title: "Confirmation Alert",
            subtitle:" This Quote is requested for your approval",
            cancelButtonLabel: "Reject"
        var OptionalParameter = { height: 200, width: 400 };

        Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog(ConfirmString, OptionalParameter).then(

        function (success) {
                if (success.confirmed)

        Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: "You Approved the Request" });

       Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({text: "You Rejected the Request" });




      var ErrorDetails = error.message;



Hope this helps

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Add Sequence Number to records in SSRS report

While we create report using SSRS report for CRM it is good to should the  sequence number like 1,2,3 .... . you can use the below expression in your S.No column to show auto numbering


How to Check CRM instance is online or OnPremise

Most of the time during the troubleshooting we may need to know whether the instance is online or OnPremise. Based on that we may need to go for different troubleshooting methods. So first we need to identify is it online or premise. Here is the simple JS code which you can run on you browser console to identify

var globalContext = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext();
 var instance = globalContext.isOnPremises();
Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: instance });// or you can use simple alert method "alert(instance );"

If the result is False - your instance is Online CRM
If it is True - your instance is CRM is on OnPremise

Friday, 3 November 2017

Limitation of Multi-select OptionSet in Dynamics 365

In the July Update, long waited Multi Select OptionSet is cool. People started using it. So far i haven't seen issues or limitation on any forum. I have faced few issues recently which i wanted to share to benefit others.

Limitations Faced:

1.Multi-select optionset cant be used in the Form Head Section

2.There is no method provided in SDK to query the field values

3.Multi-select option set fields cannot be a calculated or rollup field (single-select option set fields can be a calculated field).

4.Multi-select option sets support only the web client, unified interface, advanced find, FetchXML, Platform SDK, and Client SDK

5.We cannot set default value during the field customization

Featured Of MultiSelect OptionSet:

  • New AttributeType: MultiSelect Option Set
  • The ability to add them to forms, views, and quick create forms, and read-only and editable grids
  • Can add up to 150 values available for selection
  • Select All and Clear selection feature
  • Can leverage existing (select a global) and new option sets
  • Supported in Web Client and the new Unified Interface (coming in July as well)
  • Supported in Advanced Find and FetchXML queries

Friday, 6 October 2017

Customize CRM Portal Default Sign-up

Customize CRM Portal Default Sign-up

Literally it’s good news for who were all working on CRM poral. CRM portal version 8.2 and earlier you can’t customize the Signup. With dynamics 365 July release, now we can change the Signup using custom attributes like NRIC/FIN, Mobile No, email id etc. of CRM portal using Azure AD-B2C.
Azure AD-B2C is an Azure service that does not require an actual subscription, can be started for free, and can go live in Production within certain service limits.

Pros of Azure AD-B2C:
1.    The entire logon experience can be configured from the Azure Portal
2.    Azure AD- B2C will do email verifications for local logons

3.    It can be configured for two factor authentications

4.    Multiple identity providers can be selected as part of the configuration

5.    On selecting a single identity provider, the portal will go directly into the identity provider’s logon page

6.    Azure AD-B2C login pages can be customized
7.    Fields that have to be on a sign-up page can also be selected in the Azure portal

Steps to Customize Logon Screen:

1.  Azure Portal View – Identity Providers Selection (can sign in using email address instead  of user id & External identity like Facebook,Google,Azure etc)

  customer engagement portals

2. Select the data that will be part of sign up attributes(can use any custom attribute)

customer engagement portals

3.Customized Logon page

 customer engagement portals

4.The new sign out experience will sign out from the identity provider and is configurable for each identity provider.

customer engagement portals

Monday, 14 August 2017

Trigger DatePicker Onchange Event in CRM Portal

In CRM portal the onchange event is will be working usual jQuery method for text field but when it comes to date fields we cant call the onchange event using the Date field id rather we can call this using Div Control.

I got a requirement that when user select future date, should alert that "future date is not allowed".

for example if user select the future date for "Date Of Birth" field it should alert the user to select past date.

Step 1:

Step 2: Open Developer tool (Press F12) and select console tab

Step 3: Type $('div.control')

Step 4: Inspect the field and get the div control index.

Step 5: In this example my field is in index 8.

Step 6: Copy the below code and paste in your custom js placeholder using inline editing tool for your page.

Sample Code:

var dp123 = $('div.control')[8];
    alert("The onchange event of datepicker is fired");
    var today = new Date();
    if( > today)
    alert("Future Date is not allowed");

Friday, 11 August 2017

How to Clear Dynamics CRM Portal Cache

Sometime if we do any changes in Dynamics CRM portal it wont get reflected immediately . This is due to cache .If we do clear the browser cache also it wont get reflected. For this we need to restart the portal from the O365 console. There is a easy way to clear cache without restarting server or browser.

Step 1: Navigate to your portal url

Step 2: Add _services/About to the url

Step 3: Click the "clear cache"

Step 4: Refresh the Url tab. you can see the client side changes made.

Friday, 31 March 2017

Rename social panel Notes tab in CRM 2016/Dynamics 365

Rename social panel Notes tab as Attachments in CRM 2016/Dynamics 365

  • Create new solution
  • Add existing - Note to that solution
  • Export Translation to that solution
  • Unzip the file and rename the "LocalizedCollectionName" 
  • Rename Notes as "Attachements" 
  • Now zip the files in the directory with the changes
  • Import the Translations
  • Publish All Customization

Note: It supports almost all the versions of on premise and online

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

How to get/display Current logged-in User name in Dynamics CRM Portal

How to get/display Current logged-in User name in CRM Portal

This is generic requirement to say welcome message to the logged-in user on any portal.If portal user is logged-in user it will show their name and if not will show as guest user.

{% if user %}
  Hello, {{ user.lastname }}!
{% else %}

Welcome Guest{{user.anonymous}}!
{% endif %}